Thursday, March 20, 2014


Happy International Happiness Day, folks! Yes, that's a holiday and today has been simply grand.

But first, let me apologize for my complete lack of presence in the blogging sphere these last couple of weeks! I have been so incredibly busy with school and friends and trying to get enough sleep and maybe exercise sometimes that I have had no time to blog! Tomorrow I'll post an update on my life, for those of you that are dying to know what I've been up to ;)

Anyways, back to happiness. I've had plenty of reasons to be happy today! (Well, most days really.)

First of all, it was so sunny and beautiful out...I wore a short sleeve shirt and sandals and it was glorious.

Just a little selfie to prove that I'm still alive. Shout-out to that headband for hiding my 3rd day hair.

Also, March Madness started today! I'm usually not a big sports follower but my girl Kayla is and organized a bracket challenge for our ward and I'm getting a bit competitive about it. Unfortunately my bracket skills have not been amazing thus far...I'm at a solid 21.4% accuracy right now. But these upsets today are killing me! As is the fact that BYU lost today. Especially since I may or may not have skipped two classes to watch the game. (Shh don't tell my mom.) I'm still holding out for ASU to win tonight and then I can be happy with one of my schools! 

I'm also really happy that my family is coming to visit me in TWO WEEKS! They are coming up for General Conference and I'm so excited to see them all. Riley is sleeping over and it is going to be so much fun! I'm excited to show my little guys around campus and instill some BYU pride in them :)

Oh, and I almost forgot. This has been my soundtrack for the day. I mean, what works for International Happiness Day better than this song?

Yes, it's a little bit embarrassing how much I fangirl over this group. But come on, they are so charming and those voices. They kill me.

I'm off to Salt Lake tonight for some 80's dancing and am so ready. And by ready, I mean running on 4 hours of sleep. Oh, college life.

Hope you had a happy day!
